Fleece and Fiber For Sale

Here are photos of some of our beautiful purebred Shetland fleeces available for purchase on our farm. We keep our fresh raw fleeces on open racks  in the “Spinners Heavenly Loft” upstairs in our airy and roomy Century Old Barn.  We are an  all natural, and chemical free farm.  We do not coat our sheep for their own protection. Hence, fleeces do contain some VM.   Small amounts of VM (vegetable matter) are a part of our and the sheep’s lives.  We skirt our fleeces heavily.  3 times! We then hand pick the third time to prepare them for processing or mailing to you.  We only use mild soap to wash our fleeces and dry them naturally in the fresh country air. Ask about our special prices on processing the fleeces you purchase from us!

The Legacy Farm pure bred Shetland fleeces are now for sale. Chemical free, raised as organic but not certified. No chemicals sprayed on our hay, fields or sheep. No growth hormones or pesticides used. (it is just too expensive to certify for this small farm) 

Very long and soft fleeces available now.  I am a spinner and this is a spinners flock. I am very picky about my sheep and their fleeces. I usually spin my fleeces raw with a little flick of a dog brush.  That is how nice they are.  I also have some rare crimpy Shetland fleeces I've been breeding  for now for about  5 years.  These fleeces are limited in quantity.

  (with lighter tips) t, emsket, shaela, (shades of black to grey with silver tips, blond tips) black, with shades of dark brown to red tips.  A few very light musket, cream colored fleeces.  

All fleeces are skirted 2 to 3 times with very little VM but there will always be a little. We cannot coat our sheep for their own safety and it felts the fleece.   Any VM you find will fall out easily with spinning. Shetland fleece has a very low grease weight, hence only a 5 to 10% loss of weight on your actual fleece after washing. You are getting the ounces and pounds you pay for.  

Sold by the fleece, raw weight  $0.75 per ounce. Average weight 2 -4 lbs
Hogget fleeces available in limited quantities $1.25 per ounce
Lambs fleeces available in limited quantities and colors $1.50 per ounce 



We have a commercial Pat Green Cottage Size Carder and McDermot commercial picker. . Our prices are based upon incoming weight.  Anyone wanting to come to the farm and choose their fleeces are welcome to visit our "Spinners Heavenly Loft" located in our century old barn. Browse through numerous types of fleeces on vertical racks. 

Please click here for our order and contact page 